We have come full circle
Back to where it began.
Hawk will show the way
With healing in his wings.
Jim Willis

Legendary treasures. Mythical robberies. Lost riches. Buried plunder and fabulous wealth. Hidden dangers. Ancient curses and deathbed jinxes. Captivating tales of lost fortunes, hidden caches, the eternal allure of wealth, and the heartbreak of mysterious curses!
Read about the pursuit of riches turning to grief in this mesmerizing story collection! A thrilling exploration of the world's most intriguing and dangerous treasure hunts, Lost Loot: Cursed Treasures and Blood Money collects dozens of fascinating stories of reward, riches, greed, and ruin, including …
Curses, deaths, and centuries old treasure on Oak Island
Searchers hunted down and killed before finding a gangster’s stolen riches
The eternal quest for D. B. Cooper and his hijack ransom
Elaborate booby traps protecting ill-gotten gains
Cursed Aztec wealth lost as it journeyed to Spain
Mysterious caves holding secrets in the Grand Canyon
Montezuma’s revenge
The train-robbing Robin Hood myth of the Sam Bass Gang
Jean Lafitte and the Galveston Hoard
The lost Dutchman mine
Civil War coins hurriedly stashed after a brutal reign of terror
The missing Fabergé eggs
John Dillinger’s suitcase
King Kamehameha’s burial chamber
Captain Kidd's buried treasure
And more stories of doomed pursuits of plundered riches
Tales of bewitching riches and hunts gone wrong, yet hope springs eternal. Lost Loot unfolds like a treasure map—but beware of the hidden, deadly obstacles!
(Visible Ink Press, 2024)

Thousands, perhaps millions, of people have had near-death experiences (NDEs). What are they—a simple trick of the mind and body or something more? What are we to make of them, and do they tell us anything about religion or science or the possibility of an afterlife?
An illuminating and thought-provoking journey into the enigmatic territory where science, spirituality, and human consciousness converge, Near Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations presents a comprehensive journey through historical accounts, modern research, and personal testimonies as it seeks to bridge the gap between empirical evidence and metaphysical truths.
The similarities in NDE stories—often including the surrounding details of the room or place where the person lay dying—are uncanny, but neurologists point to similarities between NDEs and epileptic seizures or ingesting hallucinogens or other possible scientific explanations. So, are NDEs real or imaginary? It also looks to the Bible, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Talmud, the Quran, and other faiths and stories of NDE-like experiences throughout antiquity. Acknowledging the disagreements between scientific methods and metaphysical evidence, this fascinating book challenges you to explore all possibilities.
While faith-based interpretations might provide the answers, Near Death Experiences also addresses whether quantum physics might hold the key to unraveling the mysteries surrounding NDEs. It will have you reconsidering your understanding of life, death, and consciousness!
(Visible Ink Press, 2024)

With the world changing so rapidly in the 21st century, what is there left to believe in? Do traditional religions, science, and philosophy still have anything left to offer - something that promises measurable hope? Are the words "faith," "trust," and "belief" still meaningful? Rev. Jim Willis believes that the next thrust of human evolution needs to be in the realm of the spirit; the human heart. He puts forth the argument that this step is natural and to be expected, because humankind is growing into a potential inherent since the beginnings of consciousness.
(2nd Edition, JW2 Publications, 2023)
(AuthorHouse, 2007)

There is no doubt that America has changed and evolved considerably since the 1950s. The post-war years when the middle class found a haven in the manicured lawns of suburban homes quickly gave way to social unrest in the 1960s and '70s. This was followed by the "Decade of Greed" in the 1980s, disillusion at the turn of a century, and the sea change caused by the internet, social media, and threats (perceived or real) to the American way of life.
Christian minister, musician, teacher, and spiritual explorer Jim Willis takes readers on his personal path of growth and reflection that in many ways parallels the journey of America. Join Willis as he grows from a shy boy in the Detroit suburbs to professional trombonist to minister and preacher to explorer of Buddhism and shamanism. You'll hunt game and fish with him in New York's woods, try dowsing in South Carolina, and seek the truth about life as Willis comments on everything in our society from Muppets to the drugs culture to the state of religion in America. Willis questions and reevaluates America's sense of values in this thought-provoking memoir by an adept and entertaining raconteur.
(Uncle Bear Publishing, LLC, 2023)

America has spawned hundreds of cults. Charismatic leaders periodically burst into the news for the most awful of reasons. We are awash with stories of brainwashed members’ struggles to leave. Meet the messianic leaders, see the indoctrination and manipulation, look at their beliefs, and read the stories of some of America’s most notorious, eccentric, and unusual cults!
From false religions and offshoots of traditional religions to political, financial, sexual, and hate groups, American Cults: Cabals, Corruption, and Charismatic Leaders looks at 40 groups and leaders, including their histories, deceits, manipulations, and twisted ideologies. Some rely on systems of obedience, submission, and dependency. More than a few have mystifying beliefs. Others are dark and murderous. You’ll encounter curious, bizarre, and sometimes upsetting stories of …
Charming, manipulative, and exploitative leaders—Jim Jones, Jim Baker, David Berg, David Koresh, and many, many others.
The breakaways from traditional religions—Father Divine and the Peace Mission, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Westboro Baptist Church, the Gospel of Prosperity, and many more.
Political, Ponzi, metaphysical, and science schemes—the cult of the scientific method, pyramid schemes, political cults, the Unification Church, and much more.
Aliens, extraterrestrials, and the cosmos—Church of Scientology, Raëlians and Heaven’s Gate, to name a few.
End-times and doomsday cults—rapture beliefs, Edgar Cayce, the Ant Hill Kids and more.
Racial, radical, and social media cults—QAnon, Ku Klux Klan, Oath Keepers, Antifa, and others.
Sex, perversity, and submission—NXIVM, Sullivanians, Rajneesh, and many more.
American Cults looks at why America is such a fertile ground for cults, how some people got caught in their webs, and how some managed to escape! With more than 120 photos and graphics, this tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography provides sources for further exploration, and an extensive index adds to its usefulness.
(Visible Ink Press, 2023)

"I have come to suspect that life is magical. How else do you explain the language that has grown up about it: serendipity, coincidence, déjà vu, foresight, extrasensory? Those are all descriptions of the supernatural. It’s silly to pretend that magic doesn’t exist, just because we think we are too mature and sophisticated to acknowledge it.
Michael knew that. He lived his life with the certainty that magic surrounded him. For many years, I forgot how to see magic. It disappeared from my experience. I am the poorer for it. But, now that I have finally and fortunately discovered it again, I feel the need to tell you about how at least one man lived in the glow of magic and taught a young boy how to do the same.
Let me tell you the strange story of the wizard in the wood. If you’re lucky, it might change your life."
(JW2 Publications, 2021)

Ego is on the rise these days, fed by a penchant for social media gratification. The ancients knew about the inherent dangers of egocentrism, and warned us about it. Jim has written a trilogy that explores what the old timers can teach us about all this. Volume I, Merlin the Magician: A Mystery for the Ages, reminds us that much of what we face today is not new. The problem has been with us for a long time. Part II, Victory Through Defiance: Ego and the Hero, based on the legends of Robin Hood, teaches us how to defy the powers that seek to deprive us of personal freedom. Part III, Little Snow White: A Road Map for Our Time, shows us a way forward with hope and intuition.
Sometimes religion is not enough. We need more. Sometimes scientific explanations are insufficient. We need more. Sometimes mythological relevance doesn't quite satisfy. We need more. Sometimes psychological motivation doesn't do it for us. We need more. Sometimes philosophical discussion falls short. We need more. Merlin has become the "more."
(Dimensionfold Publishing, 2021)
The Hero, Robin Hood, is a nature man who is at home in the wild forests of Sherwood. He defies the ego-centric, power-hungry sheriff of Nottingham, who remains ensconced in his fortified urban castle. In the end, the Hero teaches us to be victorious by defying Ego's claims on personal freedom and individual choice. Robin Hood refuses walls and the loss of independence. His final victory is assured with the return of King Richard, and his marriage to Marian reunites nature and civilization into one spiritual landscape.
(Dimensionfold Publishing, 2022)
In the story of Little Snow White, the metaphorical Queen Ego, secure in her castle, seeks to destroy Snow White, the personification of Intuitive Innocence. Snow White lives in the wild forest "across the seven mountains" with the seven dwarfs. In the end, Innocence triumphs over Ego through her interaction with earth energies. Once victory is assured, her marriage to the prince from a faraway, mysterious land, unites the physical and the spiritual aspects of life in our perception realm. An old fairy tale thus becomes a roadmap for fulfillment in modern day life.
(Dimensionfold Publishing, 2021)

On a bicycle journey along the Savannah River from the source to the sea, the author discovers that rivers offer a key to understanding the secrets of our life-journey from birth and childhood through middle age and senior years. The river becomes an unfolding metaphor that yields insight and perspective. But a bike tour, like life itself, can be a lot of fun, too!
​​This book doesn't just take you on the author’s bicycle passage along the Savannah River. In it, he discusses in depth the history of the region, a fascinating journey in and of itself! Savannah: A Bicycle Journey through Space and Time studies the archaeological, historical, and geological evidence that delivers substance to the stories of the southeastern history, including:
Lake Hartwell
The Cherokee
The Appalachians
The Sandhills
The Piedmont
The Coastal Plain
The Savannah River Site
The Topper Site
Paris Island Culture
Stallings Island Culture
The Mississippian Period
The Huguenots
John de la Howe
The Georgia Guidestones
The Santee Indian Mound
The Sewee Shell Ring
Fort Sumter
The Long Cane Massacre Site
…and more!
Savannah offers perceptions and insights about the symbolism of the river, exploring the allegorical experiences of youth, dams, lakes, and locks. Enjoy the ride!
(Dragon Publishing Solutions, 2014)
(2nd Edition, JW2 Publications, 2022)

We are often taught that the Bible is, in the words of many religious catechisms, “the infallible word of faith and practice.” In reality, the Bible is as much a political document as a spiritual one. Ordained minister and theologian Jim Willis examines the historical, political, and social climates that influenced the redactors and editors of the Bible and other sacred texts in Censoring God: The History of the Lost Books (and other Excluded Scriptures). In analyzing why texts were censored, he uncovers sometimes surprising biases. He investigates enigmatic hints of Bible codes and ancient wisdom that implies a greater spiritual force might have been at work. He explores the importance of the Book of Enoch, its disappearance, and how it was rediscovered in Ethiopia. He analyzes over two dozen excluded texts, such as Jubilees and the Gospel of Thomas, along with the many references to books that we know about from fragments but remain lost.
Thought-provoking and provocative, Censoring God scrutinizes how sacred texts might have been used to justify the destruction of sacred writings of conquered indigenous cultures because they did not agree with the finished version of the Bible accepted by the church establishment. This important book looks at the human frailties of interpreting God’s words, and through examination it brings a deeper understanding of the power and importance of those words. With more than 120 photos and graphics, this tome is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography provides sources for further exploration, and an extensive index adds to its usefulness.
(Visible Ink Press, 2021)

Do we, the human species, really know who we are or where we came from or how we originated or our place in the cosmos? Or is much of what we have been taught wrong or misguided or possibly even blatant lies intended to keep people in power and everyone else in line?
Exploring alternative theories on the establishment of society and civilization, Hidden History: Ancient Aliens and the Suppressed Origins of Civilization looks at a variety of dissenting, suppressed, and forbidden accounts of history and the origins of humanity. It takes a broad and inclusive survey of historical documents, various theories, and a wide array of perspectives to explore what conventional wisdom might have gotten right and wrong.
The book combines cutting-edge science with metaphysical, spiritual, and even paranormal views, daring to ask whether there might be a better explanation for humanity’s existence and the origins of civilization than the current scientific consensus.
Hidden History looks at the multiverse and parallel dimensions, the ancient alien theory, metaphysics, and hypotheses beyond physical perception, the eleven dimensions of string theory, radio telescopes that penetrate to the event horizon of our universe, mathematical equations that take us where no one has gone before, and the world-wide sharing of experiences old and new that speak of long forgotten ancient mythologies that reveal historical truths.
(Visible Ink Press, 2020)

A first-hand exploration of how to consciously step out of your body and navigate the Quantum Akashic Field
Physicists have recently discovered a whole quantum-based reality, a multidimensional world where all potentials simultaneously exist. Called the Akashic Field by systems scientist Ervin Laszlo, it is the same quantum reality that mystics, shamans, and dowsers have been exploring for thousands of years through astral travel, spirit journeying, and energy work.
Revealing how to gain awareness of the Quantum Akashic Field through conscious out-of-body experiences (OBEs), Jim Willis shares fascinating first-hand accounts taken from the detailed OBE journals he has kept for nearly 10 years, alongside analysis of recent discoveries in quantum physics and wisdom from the world’s spiritual traditions. He details his own experiences with a wide variety of astral beings, spirit guides, landscapes, laws, and activities that he encountered in the Quantum Akashic Field. Drawing on scientifically-based principles that underlie the very nature of biological life, he explains how the brain is an organizer, not a producer, of consciousness. He explores the difference between dreams, visions, and OBEs and powerful ways to harness the imagination.
Detailing a step-by-step process centered on safe, simple meditative techniques, this book shows how to bypass the filters of your five senses while still fully awake and aware and engage in extrasensory, out-of-body travel. Sharing his journey to connect with universal consciousness and navigate the quantum landscape of the Akashic Field, he reveals how conscious OBEs allow you to penetrate beyond normal waking perception into the realm of quantum perception.
(Findhorn Press, 2019)

The reminders of the Ancients are everywhere. They are saved in remnants in archaeology. They are found in reminiscences in mythology. They are recorded in books, story, song, and stone.
From pyramids and underground bunkers to watery graves and ancient astronauts, Lost Civilizations: The Secret Histories and Suppressed Technologies of the Ancients examines the archaeological evidence and the traces left behind by more than 70 ancient civilizations. From ancient Egypt, middle America, and the Nubian Desert to the frozen Antarctica, underwater ruins of Asia, and clues of visits by ancient aliens, Lost Civilizations explores the unanswered questions about the true origins of man.
Touring the world and reviewing the scientific evidence, this fascinating book ties together historical events in one part of the world that produced actual effects in others. Uncovering hidden and suppressed pasts of technologically and culturally advanced ancient civilizations, it looks at how modern civilization compares and contrasts to those who have gone before. It will leave you with the sense that what has happened to past advanced civilizations might very well be happening again in our own time. With more than 120 photos and graphics, it is richly illustrated. Its helpful bibliography and extensive index add to its usefulness.
(Visible Ink Press, 2019)

Black Holes. Dark Energy. Dark Matter. Entanglement Theory. Quantum Physics. Modern science estimates dark energy permeates roughly 68% of the universe. Dark matter makes up another 27%, leaving the "normal" matter visible to humans at less than 5% of the cosmos around us. String Theory and Membrane Theory both suggest that parallel dimensions very probably exist. Quantum Entanglement Theory shows two objects connected despite being large distances apart. What does the universe hold—and hide? Where do we come from and where are we headed? Can science explain psychic and supernatural phenomena?
Exploring the collision of science, the universe and the "supernatural" unknown, Supernatural Gods: Spiritual Mysteries, Psychic Experiences, and Scientific Truths by Jim Willis looks at the myths, stories, history, science and facts of healing energies, psychic connections, heavenly messengers, miracles, déjà vu, dreams, out-of-body experiences, and many other psychic phenomena beyond the limits of the five senses. Surveying scientists and experts, it probes the physical existence of "gods" from other dimensions and realities. The past, present and future are investigated to glimpse at the truth of animal envoys, earth spirits, evolution, parallel universes, religious stories, mythological shape shifting superheroes, the origins of the agricultural revolution, alien visitors, dowsing, past life regression, channeling, intuition, meditation, shamanism, spiritualism, and much, much more.
(Visible Ink Press, 2017)

Where do we come from? What are the origins of modern civilization? Do the world's pyramids, the Nazca Lines, Easter Island statues, and other enigmatic structures, archaeological wonders, and geographic anomalies contain evidence of ancient gods?
Sifting through the historical and archaeological evidence, Ancient Gods: Lost Histories, Hidden Truths, and the Conspiracy of Silence probes the myths, stories, history, and facts of ancient civilizations, lost technologies, past catastrophes, archetypal astronauts, and bygone religions to tease out the truth of our distant past and modern existence. It takes and in-depth look at the facts, fictions, and controversies of our ancestors, origins, who we are as a people—and who might have come before us. It tackles more than 60 nagging stories of ancient gods, ancestors, alien visitors, theories and explanations. All around the world we find enigmatic structures, archeological wonders and geographic anomalies that stand in the way of a uniform understanding of who we are as a people.
​In short, we seem to be a species with cultural amnesia. Is it possible that we have forgotten who we are?
(Visible Ink Press, 2017)

Before there was time and space, before there was a Cosmos, long, long before there existed entities that would someday wonder about such things, there was only eternal, as yet physically unmanifested, energy, pregnant with possibility. Eventually there would come vibration, leading to light in its entire quantum splendor. And the vibration, the energy, began to coalesce into particles of shape and form. But quantum reality insists that when two particles are once joined, they remain forever one, connected in ways far beyond our ability to fully understand. Distance cannot separate them. Neither can experience. No matter how far apart their journey takes them, they remain forever entangled. So it is with this physically manifested creation. Separateness is an illusion. Everything that exists - rock, tree, animal and human - consists of vibrating energy and is infused with the consciousness of the Cosmos. But human entities are, so far as we know at least, the first to retain both the energy of consciousness and the ability to contemplate it - to remember what we once were: creatures of energy with feet solidly planted upon Gaia, but with souls that seek the mystery of earth magic.
Parallel universes — string theory — quantum entanglement — alternative consciousness — worm holes — “M” theory — warp drive — “God” particles …
These are words that have come to be part of 21st-century vocabulary, even if most folks don’t really understand the mathematics and theory behind them. Whatever the phrases mean in a technical sense, they have come to represent a central truth: the universe is a strange place, and it doesn’t behave only in the way our senses seem to perceive.
(Dragon Publishing Solutions, 2013)

You have the power to reinvent yourself! The power lies not in your mind alone. It's also in your genes and DNA. It's what makes us human. Humans change - that's the essence of life. Everything, from the smallest plant to the largest mountain, is in the process of change. And that's especially true with human beings. We can't always recognize it when it happens slowly and we learn to adjust to the differences. But when a living organism stops changing, it dies. I'm not just talking about simple physical changes, here. Those changes are not that important, really. They're going to happen, one way or another, whether we are conscious of them or not. I'm talking about psychological, emotional and spiritual changes - the kinds of changes, for instance, that mold children into mature, emotionally balanced adults. Each of us, by the time we hit senior citizenship, will have made countless choices and agonized over millions of decisions. We tend to think of them as either good or bad. Some of them led to happy, productive, constructive events. Others got us into a world of trouble. But from the perspective of age, every choice was good in this sense: it offered the opportunity to learn something. Right or wrong, good or bad, whatever the consequences that followed our decision, we learned from what we have done. That's all experience is - living through the consequences of choices and remembering what happened.
If you like bicycling, if you like thinking, if you like thinking while bicycling — this book is for you. From ancient times to the present, from Florida to New England and around the world, Snapshots offers a unique perspective on what it means to grow, to change, and to experience the nuances of life.
(AuthorHouse, 2009)

Fire or ice, bang or whimper, asteroid or alien, act of God or human folly--Armageddon Now is all about doomsday prophecies. In the final analysis, the end has never been so thoroughly covered as in this compendium--the last word for the end user. Many people of various backgrounds believe that the last days are upon us and see the fulfillment of prophecies every night on the evening news. Armageddon Now is a reference work covering “end-of-the-world scenarios” from biblical accounts to the threat of nuclear war.
The work has 200 entries covering both the secular and the religious. The entries vary on topics such as Dualism to the six-page Armageddon. Scientific articles include Earthquakes in various places, Ecological exploitation, and Plagues. It begins with biblical passages using the term; discusses the various problems or controversies, such as the nature of resurrected bodies; and compares Old Testament and New Testament views. Most of the articles dealing with religion cover Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, but other religions are also treated in such entries as Nordic mythology of the end times and Zoroastrianism. People such as Edgar Cayce, Albert Einstein, Nostradamus, and Carl Sagan are included. Even Aliens and Unidentified Flying Objects have articles connecting them to Armageddon. Although thousands of books have been published on Armageddon, there are few current titles in a reference format. Armageddon Now is well written and informative and not at all pedantic. It is interesting to browse as well as use as a reference resource and is a recommended purchase for all libraries where this topic is of interest, especially public libraries.
Abbie Vestal Landry, American Library Association
(Visible Ink Press, 2006)

From Aaron (the first high priest of Israel) to Zoroastrianism (once the dominant religion in Persia), The Religion Book provides an encyclopedic look at the practices of yesterday and today. Christians, Buddhists, Wiccans and the rest may have questions about others' beliefs or even their own, and The Religion Book expertly explains the similarities, differences, and original ideologies of believers and skeptics around the world. Are Nirvana and Heaven the same? Who are the Raelians, and why are they cloning people? What's the difference between Christian Scientists and Jehovah's Witnesses? Dogma? Karma? Feng Shui? What do they all mean? Devils, ghosts, the afterlife-do they really exist? If killing's a sin, why are there jihads? From the prominence of Catholics to the head scratching of the Red Paint People, The Religion Book is the go-to resource for all ages. Five hundred-plus pages explore 300 key religious figures, prophets, deities, places, and scriptures that play important roles in the major religions of the world. Willis respectfully explains terms and concepts as they relate to their respective belief systems, whether mainstream, pagan, or cultish.
(Visible Ink Press, 2004)

As a bicycle ride progresses from Florida to Massachusetts, the author discovers that you can go home again. He shares insights gained and lessons learned.
Journey Home is part homily, part how-to manual, part back porch yarn. The book is filled with good stories, but like all skillful storytellers, Jim Willis knows enough to leave endings open, to allow his stories to shift and grow and acquire new meanings over time. Journey Home tells us that we cannot begin to be wise until we are willing to be surprised and perplexed and diverted.
Cathy Stanton, Writer
(Haley's Press, 2000)